5 Ways to Get Rid of Dog Smell in Your Home

04-22-2023 07:55 PM By Legend Acres

How to Target Dog Smells in your House and Get Rid of Them

Dogs are beloved members of many families, but they can leave behind unpleasant smells. Whether it's accidents or just everyday dog scents.  If you're struggling with dog smells in your home, there are a few things you can do to target and eliminate them.
  1. Clean up accidents immediately. If you don't, your dog may think it's okay to go in the same spot again.
  2. Use professional pet cleaning products to properly clean up urine and prevent long-term odor.
  3.  First, clean any affected areas thoroughly, whether it's carpet or furniture. Cover the spot to prevent your dog from returning to the same spot.
  4. Invest in an odor-removal product specifically designed for pet smells like Fizzion. This will help reduce the likelihood of repeat accidents. 
  5. Revisit potty training with your dog, taking them out for more frequent breaks and reinforcing positive habits.
If you're struggling with persistent dog smells in your home, there are a few things you can do to target them. First, make sure to bathe your dog regularly and clean their paws after walks to prevent dirt and odor buildup. Additionally, washing their bedding and blankets frequently can help eliminate lingering scents. With a little effort and consistency, you can keep your home smelling fresh and clean even with a furry friend around.

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