Beyond Fundamentals: Taking Your Dog Training to the Next Level

06-16-2023 01:28 PM By Legend Acres

If you're looking to up your dog training game, this guide is for you. Learn how to go beyond the basics and achieve even greater success with your pup.

Training your dog is an ongoing process that requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to learn.  If you've already mastered the basics of dog training, it's time to take your skills to the next level with an Intermediate Group Class. At Legend Acres, we use techniques and strategies to help you and your furry friend build an even stronger bond and improve their behavior and obedience. With patience, consistency, and a willingness to learn, you can achieve even greater success in training your dog and enjoy a happier, healthier relationship with your four-legged companion. Let's explore some of the techniques we use in our Intermediate classes to help you and your dog reach your full potential.

Master Advanced Commands.

Once your dog has learned basic commands like sit, stay, and come, it's time to move on to more advanced commands. These can include things like auto-sit, heel, and more. It's important to remember that these commands require more focus and attention from your dog, so be patient and consistent in your training. Use positive reinforcement techniques like treats and praise to encourage your dog to learn and obey these new commands. With time and practice, your dog will become even more well-behaved and obedient.

Incorporate Distractions into Training.

Once your dog has mastered basic commands in a distraction-free environment, it's time to up the ante. Start incorporating distractions into your training sessions to help your dog learn to focus and obey even when there are other things going on around them. This can include things like other dogs, people, or even loud noises. Start with small distractions and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog becomes more comfortable and confident. Remember to always use positive reinforcement and never punish your dog for not obeying in a distracting environment.

Incorporate Distance into Training.

To take your dog's training to the next level, it's important to incorporate distance into your sessions. This means gradually increasing the distance between you and your dog while giving commands. Start with short distances and gradually increase as your dog becomes more comfortable. This will help your dog learn to obey even when they are not right next to you. It's also important to incorporate distance into your training sessions to help your dog learn to focus and obey in any situation. Always use positive reinforcement and never punish your dog for not obeying when adding distance.

Incorporate Duration (Time) into Training.

As your dog becomes more proficient in basic commands, it's important to incorporate duration into their training. This means gradually increasing the length of time they are expected to obey a command. For example, start with a stay command for a few seconds and gradually increase the duration to a minute or more. This helps your dog learn patience and self-control. Additionally, it's important to incorporate duration into their training to help them learn to focus and obey in any situation. Start with small distractions and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog becomes more comfortable and confident. Always use positive reinforcement and avoid punishing your dog for not obeying when increasing duration.

Use Positive Reinforcement Techniques.

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool in dog training. It involves rewarding your dog for good behavior, rather than punishing them for bad behavior. This can include treats, praise, or playtime. When your dog associates good behavior with positive rewards, they are more likely to repeat that behavior in the future. Positive reinforcement also helps to build a strong bond between you and your dog, as they learn to trust and rely on you for guidance and rewards. So, whether you're teaching your dog a new trick or correcting a bad behavior, always use positive reinforcement techniques to achieve the best results.

Train for Specific Activities or Tasks.

Once your dog has mastered the basics, it's time to start training for specific activities or tasks. This could include agility training, obedience competitions, or even service dog training. To train for these activities, you'll need to break down the desired behavior into smaller steps and use positive reinforcement to encourage your dog to perform each step correctly. It's important to be patient and consistent in your training, and to always reward your dog for their progress. With dedication and hard work, you and your dog can achieve great success in any activity or task you choose to pursue.

Seek Professional Help When Needed.

While it's possible to train your dog on your own, there may come a time when you need the help of a professional trainer. This could be if your dog is exhibiting problematic behaviors, or if you're struggling to achieve a specific training goal. A professional trainer at Legend Acres can provide personalized guidance and support, and can help you and your dog work through any challenges you may be facing. Don't hesitate to schedule a Free Training Consultation if you need assistance in taking your dog training to the next level.

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