How does CBD Work in Pets

03-02-2023 12:12 PM By Legend Acres

How does CBD Work?

Humans and animals alike all have an endocannabinoid system (ECS). When CBD oil is consumed, it activates your dog’s ECS. The ECS then creates a two-way communication system between the brain and other systems in your pet’s body, such as the nervous system, immune system, digestive system, and more.

This is why you may hear about CBD helping out in so many areas of the body!

At Pet Releaf, we utilize full-spectrum hemp extract in our products. Why do we use full-spectrum hemp extract?

Full Spectrum CBD contains a full extraction of all of the plant compounds found naturally in the hemp plant. This includes CBD as well as many other cannabinoids such as CBG and CBN, terpenes, <0.3% THC, and other beneficial plant compounds. All of these plant compounds work together synergistically in what is called the "entourage effect" and result in a product with greater efficacy when compared to broad-spectrum CBD and CBD isolates. Our CBD products fall far below the legal level of 0.3% THC (meaning it's virtually undetectable) and are made with USDA organic full-spectrum hemp extract. You can trust that with Pet Releaf your pet is getting only the best of the best CBD products.

New Study Shows CBD Is Effective at Reducing Stress in Dog

The blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled study looked at how CBD impacted the experience of 20 dogs in two commonplace activities that were anticipated to cause stress – car journeys and being left alone. Researchers collected a range of physiological (e.g., blood levels of cortisol, ear temperature, heart rate) and behavioral measures (e.g., whining, trembling, panting) at different times during the study. There were significant changes in several stress-related measures, with the car journey eliciting a more pronounced stress response.

Dogs then received either a placebo or CBD capsule (~4mg/kg bodyweight) and, two hours after administration, were exposed to either the separation event or car travel. Researchers found multiple measures of the dogs’ stress improved following administration of CBD. Specifically, dogs treated with CBD were scored as significantly less “sad,” had significantly lower cortisol levels, exhibited less whining and were in a more relaxed emotional state overall than dogs that received a placebo.

CBD in Training

Once consumed, the cannabinoids within the oil interact with the endocannabinoid receptors located in the central and peripheral nervous system of your pup, which provide a calming effect to the brain.

This calming effect helps take the edge off for dogs who are anxious, restless, or hyperactive. When your dog is calm, it’s much easier for them to focus on you, which is a major help when it comes to training your dog.

CBD oil is a wonderful dog-training aid. Keyword here…AID!

Here’s why…

CBD oil treats or tinctures have the ability to safely relax your dog. In the short term, this calmness can prevent your dog from exhibiting naughty behaviors like barking or chewing.

That being said, after a period of time the oil will wear off and your pup will be back to his/her “normal” self. Unless you medicate your dog 24/7 (which is NOT safe or healthy) nothing will permanently change about the behavior of your pup.

However, when you use CBD treats or drops for your dog as an aid, they open up a window of time where you can teach your dog how to behave properly while they are calm and focused.

When you put the time in effort into training your dog how to trust and listen to you when they are calm and focused, those skills will carry over to times when your pup isn’t medicated.

Eventually the goal is to not have to use CBD oil once a solid training foundation has been put in place!

The system is pretty easy. Provide your pup with a CBD oil treat or CBD oil drops before you begin training and/or before doing an activity that can over-excite your dog or make your dog anxious.


If your dog is really bad at pulling on the leash, give your dog a CBD oil treat before going on a walk. Then while you’re on the walk and your dog is calm, work on the training techniques your dog needs to master to walk nicely on the leash.

Over time you can lower the CBD oil dosage and rely more on your pup’s training foundation while you’re out for a walk.

How to Administer

You think CBD oil might be the solution to helping you train your dog…now how do you get your pup to take it?

Most CBD products for dogs come in two forms…CBD oil treats or CBD oil tincture drops.

Both options are equally effective…which one you pick ultimately comes down to what your dog likes best!

CBD oil treats are easy to give as most pups won’t turn down a little snack! However, drops can be easily added into food or placed directly in your pup’s mouth for quick absorption.

Kristi May MS, CVPM, LVMT, BSA, AHT, ABCDT, CHA Cert Riding Lesson Instructor, CHA
EFM, Cert Equine Nutrition, Cert Animal Cognitive Behavior, AKC Evaluator, AKC Fit Instructor, Pet Partners Therapy Evaluator and Instructor, PPG Professional Canine Instructor 
Legend Acres
Dog and Horse Solutions
Middle/West, TN
Surprise, AZ
(931) 516-3064‬
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