Pet Safety Alert: December Hazards

12-05-2023 05:27 PM By Legend Acres

Attention Pet Parents

As we dive into the festive season, it's crucial to be aware of potential hazards that can affect our furry friends. Here's a quick Pet Safety Alert for December:

🎄 Holiday Decorations: Ensure your decorations are pet-friendly. Avoid tinsel, ornaments that can be swallowed, and secure Christmas trees to prevent curious pets from tipping them over.

🥘 Festive Foods: While enjoying holiday feasts, keep chocolaty treats, xylitol, and fatty table scraps away from pets. Some foods can be harmful, so stick to pet-safe treats and foods to share the joy.

🚗 Traveling Precautions: If you're hitting the road for holiday travel, secure your pets in a safe carrier or harness. Take breaks for walks and keep them comfortable throughout the journey consider using calming aids if needed.

🎇 Fireworks Anxiety: As we approach New Year's celebrations, be mindful of pets' anxiety around fireworks. Create a cozy, quiet space and consider using calming aids if needed.

Remember, a little awareness goes a long way in keeping our pets safe and happy during the holiday season. Share this alert to spread the word and ensure a joyful and safe December for all our furry companions!

#PetSafety #DecemberHazards #FestivePets #SafetyFirst #LegendAcres🐾✨

Legend Acres

Force Free Fear Free Dog and Horse Solutions

Founder: Kristi May MS, CVPM, LVMT, BSA, AHT, ABCDT, CHA Cert Riding Lesson Instructor, CHA EFM, Cert Equine Nutrition, Cert Animal Cognitive Behavior, AKC Fit Instructor, AKC Evaluator, Pet Partners Therapy Evaluator and Instructor, PPG Professional Instructor

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