When a Board and Train Might Actually be a Good Idea: Exploring Legend Acres' Program

07-15-2023 02:00 PM By Legend Acres

Is a board and train program right for your dog? Learn about Legend Acres' effective training methods and see if this program is the right fit for your furry friend.

At Legend Acres, we understand the concerns and considerations that come with choosing a board and train program for your beloved furry friend. While we've emphasized the importance of hands-on training and owner involvement, we recognize that there are certain situations where our Board and Train program can be a suitable option. In this article, we'll discuss a few scenarios in which our program, offered by Legend Acres, could be a good fit for your specific needs.

1. Proper Socialization for Puppies:

If you have a young puppy, particularly between 5 and 16 weeks of age, professional handling of socialization becomes crucial. The critical socialization period during these weeks sets the foundation for a well-adjusted and confident adult dog. Our program provides a controlled environment where puppies can receive expert socialization to ensure positive development.

2. Overnight Care Solution for Vacation:

When you have a puppy and are going on vacation, finding suitable overnight care can be challenging. Legend Acres offers a solution by combining boarding and training for puppies, as our focus is on training and development even during their stay. This provides peace of mind for puppy owners while ensuring continued training progress.

3. Temporary Break for Puppy Owners:

We understand that even dedicated puppy owners may occasionally need a break. Whether it's for personal reasons or other commitments, our Board and Train program offers a short-term solution where your puppy can receive professional care, allowing you to recharge and regroup.

4. Enrichment and Skill Development for Adolescent or Adult Dogs:

If you're planning a vacation and want your adolescent or adult dog to receive both enrichment and training, our Board and Train program can be beneficial. Our experienced trainers provide fun activities and reinforce existing skills or lay the groundwork for new ones, ensuring your dog's well-being and progress while you're away.

5. Supplementing Private Training Goals:

For clients already working with Legend Acres through private training, our Board and Train program can complement their goals. If your trainer believes that a Board and Train approach would be advantageous for a specific training objective, our program offers a dedicated focus to help you achieve those desired results.

At Legend Acres, we pride ourselves on being selective in accepting dogs into our Board and Train program. We encourage pet owners to exercise the same level of discernment when considering a board and train option, whether with us or any other provider. Authentic, ethical, and science-based learning is paramount to us, and we firmly believe in avoiding ineffective or potentially traumatic training approaches involving aversive methods.

Instead, we urge you to consider developing an actionable and effective plan through private training with us, or explore our Board and Train program only if it aligns with the needs and preferences of all parties involved. Your dog's well-being and progress are at the forefront of our approach, ensuring a positive and rewarding experience for both you and your furry companion.

Legend Acres

Force Free Fear Free Dog and Horse Solutions

Kristi May MS, CVPM, LVMT, BSA, AHT, ABCDT, CHA Cert Riding Lesson Instructor, CHA
EFM, Cert Equine Nutrition, Cert Animal Cognitive Behavior, AKC Evaluator, AKC Fit Instructor, Pet Partners Therapy Evaluator and Instructor, PPG Professional Canine Instructor 

(931) 516-3064‬


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